Tuesday, July 1, 2008

What I may bee

I just had a break-through. This week in my current college course, Daniel and Revelation, we are writing a paper on the four approaches to interpreting the book of Revelation. I just had a revelation of my own - I am a classical dispensationalist. That was close. Now I can rest well; at least, when I finish my paper; 200 out of 1000 words done.

On a side note, I got stung by a bee on my iron horse yesterday... again. This time it was the right arm. This time it was a bee or a wasp that I killed before it had the opportunity to strike again. This time he got me right on my right elbow and it is swelling up pretty good. I don't think pictures would do it justice on the blog.

I'm beginning to think my body, in reaction to the bee stings I've had this summer (five so far), is developing an allergic reaction (if that's strong enough of a word). I have been stung a few times in my life - no big deal. This time the swelling goes from almost my wrist to half way up my tricep. It's really itchy (which rhymes with Richie - what's up, brotha!).

The swelling is kind of sweet because it makes me look like that guy from Lady in the Water - only on the right side, too.

1 comment:

  1. I think it looks cool and that's saying something because i hate that movie. You look like a muscle bound stud my dear pirate captain.
