Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Chips off the Old Blocks

One of the biggest reasons that we chose to home school is that it allows us during formative years to be the biggest influencers of our children's life. It looks like it is working!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Good times!

Sunday we took some time to hike around at our favorite Tucson spot - Sabino Canyon. There isn't a lot of water flowing in the canyon but it was enough to wade in and cool off.

When we arrived in Tucson in 2005 we would often see animal life - desert tortoise, rattle snakes, deer. If fact, that summer the only thing I didn't see there was a mountain lion. In 2007 we had such bad flooding that the Canyon was destroyed and closed to the public. Tucson was actually declared a national emergency area that summer.

I mentioned my disappointment in the lack of animal life to my wife as we walked. On the way back Christian stepped right over this guy. Sweet! He must have just eaten because he was moving very, very slowly. His eyes were just slits. I don't think that was related to his eating, but sometimes I look like that after swallowing food whole!

God is an impressive Creator, I think.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Good Friends are Hard to Find

Nori went out for a hike with grandpa yesterday and came home with a new buddy, Speedy Spike, the horny toad. We went to the park and scooped up a bunch of ants, which he gobbled up later in the day.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

What's your Remedy?

It's been less than 60 days since the new regime came into power. So far we've heard the heads of state call for more involvement and control of health care, education, scientific research, banking, the commercial sector in general, and energy development.

I would say that if we could judge the climate of our country based on the actions of the people that the majority voted into power I would say our country is looking for a Savior. Where could we find one of those?

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

A boy and his dog, er...

Wyatt found a pet at the park last week. He played with it for two hours and only gave it up when I told him he was going to get a horrible disease from his new friend. It was fun while it lasted.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Honey Coated Cyanide

Here's President Obama's most recent pious comments, this time concerning his justification for allowing (actually, directing) broader stem-cell research.

... Obama reiterated a promise to base "public policies on the soundest science" as well as to "appoint scientific advisers based on their credentials and experience, not their politics or ideology."

Two things.

First, this "soundest science" is the same science that has determined we need to drive full boar into developing Green technology, which is based on Global Warming, which is hardly proved by the "soundest science." As I look around, I see God's world as more than green.

Second, this is another example of our President pushing immoral acts with an intelligent-sounding, noble facade. Scientific advisers will be appointed based on what we as Americans say are good credentials (which were also used to find the result of the first point), and NOT by whether or not the things they do are wrong.

So the means justifies the ends. Especially if it helps the federal government gain more power.

I feel confident in saying I'll never ask someone to create a baby, kill four days later, and conduct scientific experiments on it so that I can be cured of disease or sickness I have.

Here's the link I'm referring to: http://www.cnn.com/2009/POLITICS/03/09/obama.stem.cells/index.html?eref=rss_topstories

Only a Fool Fails to Plan

What with the country's leadership and their doctrine, I'm preparing my family for anything in the next eight (probably) years - even nuclear fallout.