Saturday, June 8, 2013

Joseph vs. Moses, Part 1

Genesis 41

Observation: There are several comparisons and contrasts that can be made between Joseph and Moses.

1. Comparisons

A. Both were princes of Egypt.
B. Both had been placed in those positions by the sovereign work of the Lord.
C. Both were used to save the family of Abraham.
D. Both were used to move the family of Abraham.
E. Both went through great trials in order to be a vessel usable to God.
F. Both put God's glory and their relationship with him first.
G. Both displayed God's glory to the Pharaoh and in turn to the entire world.
H. Both rested fully on the power and might of God.
I. Both were saved through some very difficult situations.

Application: God's plans for humanity to bring glory to himself (whether it is in their submission and love for him and they're serving of him and bringing fame to Jesus Christ; or whether it is by and through their willful disobedience, rebellion and idolatry which brings glory to his righteousness, justice and wrathful power) has not changed. I am here today to take part in one or the other. Everyone chooses to praise God's wonder and goodness or, by unfortunate default, to be the instrument by which he shows his rightness and man's wrongness.

Prayer: You alone are the Lord. I am your creation. Use me today to bring glory to your name and to show the world how precious and wonderful Jesus Christ is. I love you God. Amen.