Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Dodge ball!

Monday was a nice break from work. The maintenance folks had some sort of training or catch-up to do so there was no flying. As a result, we had no work to do (well, that's sort of true). Anyway, I saw this as an awesome chance to get a sporting event together for the tower. At first we were going to run. Then someone suggested dodgeball (of course I had to include the wikipedia link).

There was really no question about which to do.
We played for two hours. It was intense. The best showdown we had was between the 28+ vs. the under 28s, which ended up being 7 on 12 (the old dudes had 7). We old dudes won 5 out of 6 games. I am sore today in areas I had forgotten I had. My ankles muscles are sore and I don't there is such a thing! I took a few shots right on my pride, but no one got seriously hurt. I'm pumped to do it again.

You can check out the real rules here for setting up your next tournament.


  1. dodgeball does sound like fun. We used to call it warball when I was in school. then we couldn't play it for a year or two, because someone complained that we were playing Warball.

    Everyone loved it tho...well, at least I did.

  2. I still have painn from it. I knnocked around the weights at the gymnnasium sinnce thenn but it was definnately worth it!
