Scripture: Romans 16:17-18 "Now I urge you, brethren, note those who cause divisions and offenses, contrary to the doctrine which you learned, and avoid them. For those who are such do not serve our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly, and by smooth words and flattering speech deceive the hearts of the simple."
Paul has emphasized unity of the body of Christ - the truth church - throughout Romans. In fact, in a quick scan of all the chapters, I found a direct mention of unity in every chapter of Romans except for Chapters 6 and 7.
Paul had a clear purpose for stressing the importance of unity. However, he did so on the back of a firm theological foundation. While Scripture can, in a simplistic - though mostly unhelpful - way, be boiled down to love in action, Paul never promoted such an approach to the Scriptures, the work of God or our faith. Our faith is complete foolishness if it lacks coherence and truth as bedrocks.
What unity does not mean... It does not mean that I
1. Don't contend for the faith.
2. Dismiss denials of essential doctrines by professing believers.
3. Remain uneducated on non-essential doctrines; I have to be able to defend those as well (I just don't need to die on those hills).
4. Ignore attacks from non-believers.
5. Sacrifice truth and doctrine on the alter of unity.
A strong grasp of theology is indispensable for me (and all believers). Jude implored believers to study and defend Christianity. 1 John 2:18-19 identifies thorough Biblical literacy as the means by which purity is kept!
Application: Paul emphasized unity. Paul emphasized defending and teaching doctrine. Do the same!
Prayer: Father, thank You for the gift of eternal life that is founded on and requires faith, yet that doesn't require nonsensical belief. Purify Your church, Lord! I love You. Amen.
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