Observation: Verses 17-20 are a list of things that the Jews have to boast about, in the flesh anyway. He describes what makes some Jews believe there would be partiality from God on judgment day. But the response to this way of thinking already came in verses 1-4: All are guilty because everyone sins.
But God's goodness, forbearance, and patience are a soft floor for us to fall to our knees on. He calls us to "judge rightly" and then be humble regardless of what we may think gives us right or reason to be confident in our goodness.
Application: This chapter does nothing but call for humility!
What are my boasts? What things do I hold pride over? Verse memorization, degree, consistent Bible study and prayer, personal spiritual growth, homeschooling, family, lifestyle. But for everyone of those things, I violate ten (or a hundred) times the laws and consistently am inconsistent in. Really, I'm broken. I am condemned without the blood of Jesus. I, like every other human, have only one hope - to live by faith in Jesus, who loves me and gave Himself for me.
Prayer: Please teach me. Forgive my pride and arrogance. Help me to love as You love. I love You. Amen.
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