Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The Witness Of The Lord

Scripture: Genesis 26:28-29 "But [Abimelech] said, 'We have certainly seen that the Lord is with you... You are no
w the blessed of the Lord.' "

Observation: This Abimelech is likely the heir of the Abimelech that Abraham had dealings with. Perhaps not a son, but rather it's just a name that all the Philistine kings took. I'll have to research that more.

The name and fame of the Lord clearly was passed down to these non-Abrahamic descendants as well. They were aware that taking Rebekah as a wife when she was truly Isaac's wife, even though they wouldn't have know, would have been guilt on them. The previous Abimelech was told of that fact in a dream by God.

Isaac was a great witness to God's goodness, sovereignty and protection. "You are now the blessed of the Lord."

1. Know that God was bringing all men to Himself in the O.T.; not just the descendants of the Patriarchs. It is a misconception that people are unaware of God even today. God has always made Himself known. I fail to credit God as a just God when I presuppose through a variety of hypothetical postulations that there are people completely innocent before a God that holds them guilty with faith. Rather if I believe God is good and just, I must believe that either God has revealed Himself sufficiently to invoke faith to all those that would believe or that those that die without clearer revelation than nature would not have responded in faith even if given more revelation. As Jesus said in the story of the Lazarus and the rich man, some will not believe even if someone returns from the dead.

2. Live my life today in a way that demonstrates that God is my Lord. Trust in His ways. Speak of His goodness to everyone. Spread His name and His fame. Even as I am delayed in my departure this week I know that it provided me the opportunity today to meet with a missionary from Cameroon. This could be the reason that God held up the processes that needed to be completed for me to be able to leave. I ought to share that thought; Christians overcome by our testimony. What is my testimony today? Everyday?

Prayer: Lord, You are so good to me. You pour out an endless flow of goodness and grace and joy and blessing to me. I know that it is only through Jesus Christ that we have the intimate relationship that we have. Please help me to witness of that fact to others. You bless every person but blessings are not evidence that we are justified and forgiven of sin. People need to know that they aren't OKAY without a personal relationship with You. I love You. Amen.

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