Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Scripture: Genesis 31:13 " 'I am the God of Bethel, where you anointed the pillar and where you made a vow to Me. Now arise, get out of this land, and return to the land of your family.' "

Observation: God is announcing that He has done all that Jacob has asked (back in Chapter 28, verse 20-22). The last thing to be completed required Jacob to obey in faith and return to Isaac.

The conflict that had risen between Jacob and Laban may have prompted Jacob's departure, but it didn't determine his next destination. Jacob likely would not have returned to his brother without God telling him to.

God took 20 years (31:41) to fulfill Jacob's request at Bethel. Really that's how long God chose to take to demonstrate His sovereign power. Jacob now knew that God not only does as He pleases, but that He also sets the times and seasons of our lives. Despite the length of his journey with Laban, rather through the completion of all of His promises, God proved His untiring faithfulness.

1. Granted, Jacob may have lived longer than I will, but God will take however much time He wants in order to do the work in me and my family that He has purposed. Be patient in faith, and persevere through trials.

2. Trust in God's plan.

3. Obey when God says "Go".

Prayer: Lord, please give me the faith of Jacob. I praise You for Your sovereignty and trustworthiness. I love You. Amen.


  1. Dale, when I first read just the scripture part of this, I started to laugh, and said, "Bucky, if you do that, they are gonna get you for AWOL".... would like to put that on a T shirt and send it to you, in a few months....
    Love you <3

  2. That's funny!! Talk about applying the Scriptures! Hilarious, mom.
