Monday, April 29, 2013

Joseph, God, And Making Sense Of It All

Scripture: Genesis 37:5 "Now Joseph had a dream, and he told it to his brothers; and they hated him even more."

Observation: The paradox of the story of Joseph is that God gave Joseph dreams, who then increased the hatred of his brothers by sharing the dreams, which drove them to sell him, which resulted in the fulfillment of the dreams. Even more curious is that Rueben saved Joseph from death, which also was key to God's plans for Joseph.

Some may say that God here merely looked into Joseph's future and revealed a portion of it. That conclusion is incorrect, however. God orchestrated these things; He intended all of this. Like it or not, He is sovereign and does as He pleases (see Ephesians 1:11). How can I support that conclusion? I think with two points.

1. The dreams that God gave Joseph are the catalyst for everything that happened to Joseph. The brother had kindling for a fire in their dad's favoritism but the fuel and spark were the dreams (37:19 "this dreamer is coming..."). It wasn't the other way around. God was not just reacting to what the brothers did.

2. Joseph himself testified of this fact (see 45:4-8).

1. God is sovereign over all things. The more I accept that, the greater I am blessed through it.

2. I will make mistakes no matter how hard I try. Rest in God's sovereignty. Joseph's naivety got him into trouble with the jealous brothers. Joseph continued during his enslavement (the consequence of his blabbing) to honor God as best as he could. God accomplished the physical salvation of an entire nation through it.

3. In the end, God spread His great, powerful, righteous name all over Egypt and the rest of the world. It is to His glory and to their shame that within centuries they had turned completely to satanic idolatry.

Prayer: Father, please teach me to trust Your faithfulness to Your own glory and to me. You bless those that diligently seek You. If You are for me, who can be against me. The reality is my Daddy can beat up their daddy. I love You. Amen.

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