Saturday, April 27, 2013

Opinion Bomb

This is too funny not to share. It's also a little too much reality not to share... at least it is to me.

"I have a right to bear arms to protect myself. The government should provide me free firearms since I cannot afford them. The ability to pay should never prevent me from protecting my family from criminals."

Don't know who said it, but I kind of want to shake his or her hand. We should also add for accuracy's sake "from criminals and a reckless, dangerous, or detrimental government."

On the the other hand, President Obama actually ended his speech to Planned Parenthood the other night with the phrase, "God bless Planned Parenthood". I was literally expecting lightning bolts or scaffolding to fall from the ceiling. Folks, the term "reproductive health" is one of the most offensive things I've ever heard.

I pray that everyone using that term to sugar coat the killing of a child for convenience's sake would be blessed with an overwhelming understanding of how infinitely God loves them. I think that perhaps seeing a love so powerful, forgiveness so freely offered, and acceptance so unconditional might just be the thing to heal the hurting heart of someone who pursued "reproductive health" and is now dealing with the crushing, soul-wrenching aftermath of that decision.

Lord, please let your love shine so strongly through your children that it overcomes the darkness.

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