Scripture: Exodus 32:4 "And [Aaron] received the gold ... and made a molten calf. Then they said, 'This is your God, O Israel, that brought you out of Egypt.'"
1. Aaron must have been aware of the fact that God had already established Aaron and his descendants as priests.
2. The people all knew it as well which is why they came to him for guidance three verses earlier.
3. Idols are what these people knew because they grew up in Egypt. They asked for an idol specifically.
4. Aaron surrendered the high call of holiness, service, and blessing that God had placed on him, which was to be used for God's glory, and used it for Satan's service and glory instead.
Application: I have been given a very high calling as a father, leader, priest, minister of the word of reconciliation, and husband.
1. Ask God to show me all the idols that I worshipped before I gave my life to God that I am still holding onto.
2. Don't sacrifice my future and the hearts and futures of my family on the alter of easy pleasure and present desires. No one has ever accomplished anything great for God walking down hill. He hasn't set me in a raft and told me to float downstream with the current. I, like every other Christian, am supposed to "attain" for most of life.
3. Set my mind on things above. These gifts from the world are empty and actually come with personalized shackles.
4. Feel the weight of the responsibility and importance of God's charge to fulfill my calling. Let it spurn me to action. My family is in need of protection, guidance, motivation, encouragement, comfort, and an example. Let me be that and not another.
Prayer: Father, thank you for accepting me. I am surely broken in so may ways. I'm needy for what only you can provide. If I don't have you, then I won't have anything. Please teach and guide me. Please open my eyes to your kingdom and work. I love you. Amen.
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