Wednesday, September 17, 2014

The Sidekick Doesn't Take The Lead

Scripture: Exodus 40:36-37 "Whenever the cloud was taken up from above the tabernacle, the children of Israel would go onward in all their journeys. But if the cloud was not taken up, then they did not journey till the day that it was taken up."

Observation: There were times that the cloud (or fire) was "taken up" and the children of Israel followed God. In those times, they went where God led them. I suppose following may have been difficult at times: after man days of travel, over rough terrain, during sickness or injury, or through harsh weather.

But I also see that if God didn't go, they didn't go. For as long as God remained, with or without indication of how long they would be there, the Hebrews remained. The weather may have been perfect for travel. The hearts of the travelers may have been positive and resolute. The sicknesses may have all passes. However, God's timing is perfect and rarely any of our business.

Application: Fear can come hand-in-hand with going where God says. He doesn't bring us into an easy life; he promises the most rewarding one though. If we follow the Lord, he won't lead us to a place that is beyond what he will strengthen us to follow him through (Phil. 4:13). His grace will always be sufficient for us. And I never perceive God to be setting a driving pace looking to maliciously exceed my limits or abilities. God is not some pernicious boss; he is a gracious and all-loving father.

It might be even more difficult to stay put until he says, "Go!" There is activity all around me. So many things seems to be good things to engage in. Many other people around me may be receiving great blessing and spiritual growth through some non-church or church
activity. Yet, if the Lord doesn't say to do it, it is not good; at least, not for me and my family.

There is much more that could be said on this topic.

Prayer: Father, the waiting can be hard. The desire to serve you often makes me feel I ought to do something! But you remind me that busyness will come. Help me to remember that in the moments of stillness that you continue to have purpose. Growth is defined by maturing as well as by expansion and movement. Help me not to miss the blessings and confidence found only in patient obedience and consistent pursuit of you. I love you. Amen.

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