Sunday, January 13, 2008

Weekend events

Well, this Saturday we were invited by our friends to a homeschooling conference. It was by the Maxwell family who has been homeschooling for over 25 years. They have eight children and some amazing fruit has come from their labor. All of their children are very impressive, are outgoing (the stigma with homeschooling is that the children won't know how to behave in public or relate to others), and have done some very impressive things. You'll have to visit their website to see it all.

One of the things they feel strongly about is that TV is completely out. Again you'll have to check out the website to read their reasoning but I see a lot of value in what they think. The biggest thing to me is preventing Nori, Christian, and Wyatt from having to overcome the lies, false values, indoctrination, etc. that comes from watching years of television shows, movies, and commercials. Now that I have children I realize kids don't need to see or know about wrong things in order to live a right life. So I agree with a lot of what the Maxwell's taught this weekend. We're going to try 30-days with out the TV (we haven't had any channels really (cable or local) for that last year, but we still watch plenty of movies and play video games.). I'll go ahead and say now that I have to keep one going because my Theology 201 (starts Tuesday!) is half online and half DVDs!. I'm interested to see if the time we spend with the TV is time God actually wants us spending elsewhere.

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