Scripture: Exodus 4:15-16 "Now you shall speak to him and put the words in his mouth. And I will be with your mouth and with his mouth, and I will teach you what you shall do. So he shall be your spokesman to the people. And he himself shall be as a mouth for you, and you shall be to him as God."
Observation: The parallels between what God says here and what Jesus says in John's account of the gospel is uncanny and definitely not coincidental. The words of Jesus come like this:
1. Jn. 14:10 - "Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and the Father in Me? The words that I speak to you I do not speak on My own authority; but the Father who dwells in Me does the works."
2. Jn. 14:24b - "...and the word which you hear is not Mine but the Father's who sent Me."
3. Jn. 14:26 - "But the helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you."
4. Jn. 16:13-14 - "However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will lead you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak...He will glorify Me, for He will take of what is Mine and declare it to you."
Moses was a mediator between God and the people of Israel (Gal. 3:19-20). He was a picture of the coming work that the Father would do through the Son by the Holy Spirit (Jn. 14:25-26; 1 Tim. 2:5, 6).
Application: Trust in the word of God. The inspired Scripture is God's word. The Israelites had to trust that what Aaron said was what the Father had told Moses. Now I must trust that what the apostles wrote is what the Father has given Jesus to speak through the Holy Spirit.
The test of authenticity for the people was whether the things that Moses and Aaron said came to pass. I have seen the Bible's truth and authenticity played out again and again. The Bible, all of it, reflects reality. It is historically accurate and its predictions (prophesies) have come to pass in undeniable ways.
Prayer: Lord, help me to trust your word. Not only to trust it, but to also study it to know what it says. Not only to know it, but also to obey it. Not only to obey it, but also to teach others of its trustworthiness as well. I love You. Amen.
Monday, September 29, 2014
Sunday, September 28, 2014
Do We Have The Guts To Lie?
Scripture: Exodus 1:19-20 "And the midwives said to Pharaoh, “Because the Hebrew women are not like the Egyptian women; for they are lively and give birth before the midwives come to them.”
Therefore God dealt well with the midwives, and the people multiplied and grew very mighty. And so it was, because the midwives feared God, that He provided households for them."
Observation: I have never read through Scripture to find all the places that the people of God violated not only man's law but also God's law out of fear of God. This isn't often done, I think; though, I could be wrong. Regardless, God blessed them abundantly because they lied to Pharaoh.
These are the characteristics of the situation:
1. Pharaoh was an unrighteous leader of an oppressive government giving orders to sin.
2. The midwives were ordered to do what they knew God would call evil. (Note: the law had not been given other than His command not to murder in Genesis 9:5-7)
3. The choice to lie in this situation must have been a difficult one considering who they were lying to.
4. (Addition 18Oct14) This is another similarity between Moses and Jesus. Both of their lives were in part protected by individuals lying to the ruler of that area.
Application: God is very serious about righteousness. Clearly some things are sinful based solely on the motivation or intent of the person acting (or not acting). All the times I've said lying is always wrong, I was wrong.
A bigger question here is am I willing to stand against the powers, authorities, and laws that direct me to sin so that the right thing is done. I must be in prayer and in the Bible to have understanding sufficient for proper discrimination when those times come.
I need courage.
Prayer: Lord, help me to have the bravery of these midwives. What an amazing example they are. I want your approval on my heart and actions just as it was on theirs. I love you. Amen.
Therefore God dealt well with the midwives, and the people multiplied and grew very mighty. And so it was, because the midwives feared God, that He provided households for them."
Observation: I have never read through Scripture to find all the places that the people of God violated not only man's law but also God's law out of fear of God. This isn't often done, I think; though, I could be wrong. Regardless, God blessed them abundantly because they lied to Pharaoh.
These are the characteristics of the situation:
1. Pharaoh was an unrighteous leader of an oppressive government giving orders to sin.
2. The midwives were ordered to do what they knew God would call evil. (Note: the law had not been given other than His command not to murder in Genesis 9:5-7)
3. The choice to lie in this situation must have been a difficult one considering who they were lying to.
4. (Addition 18Oct14) This is another similarity between Moses and Jesus. Both of their lives were in part protected by individuals lying to the ruler of that area.
Application: God is very serious about righteousness. Clearly some things are sinful based solely on the motivation or intent of the person acting (or not acting). All the times I've said lying is always wrong, I was wrong.
A bigger question here is am I willing to stand against the powers, authorities, and laws that direct me to sin so that the right thing is done. I must be in prayer and in the Bible to have understanding sufficient for proper discrimination when those times come.
I need courage.
Prayer: Lord, help me to have the bravery of these midwives. What an amazing example they are. I want your approval on my heart and actions just as it was on theirs. I love you. Amen.
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
The Sidekick Doesn't Take The Lead

Observation: There were times that the cloud (or fire) was "taken up" and the children of Israel followed God. In those times, they went where God led them. I suppose following may have been difficult at times: after man days of travel, over rough terrain, during sickness or injury, or through harsh weather.
But I also see that if God didn't go, they didn't go. For as long as God remained, with or without indication of how long they would be there, the Hebrews remained. The weather may have been perfect for travel. The hearts of the travelers may have been positive and resolute. The sicknesses may have all passes. However, God's timing is perfect and rarely any of our business.
Application: Fear can come hand-in-hand with going where God says. He doesn't bring us into an easy life; he promises the most rewarding one though. If we follow the Lord, he won't lead us to a place that is beyond what he will strengthen us to follow him through (Phil. 4:13). His grace will always be sufficient for us. And I never perceive God to be setting a driving pace looking to maliciously exceed my limits or abilities. God is not some pernicious boss; he is a gracious and all-loving father.
It might be even more difficult to stay put until he says, "Go!" There is activity all around me. So many things seems to be good things to engage in. Many other people around me may be receiving great blessing and spiritual growth through some non-church or church
activity. Yet, if the Lord doesn't say to do it, it is not good; at least, not for me and my family.
There is much more that could be said on this topic.
Prayer: Father, the waiting can be hard. The desire to serve you often makes me feel I ought to do something! But you remind me that busyness will come. Help me to remember that in the moments of stillness that you continue to have purpose. Growth is defined by maturing as well as by expansion and movement. Help me not to miss the blessings and confidence found only in patient obedience and consistent pursuit of you. I love you. Amen.
Monday, September 15, 2014
"You Are a Skilled Metal Worker"
Scripture: Exodus 38:22-23 "Bezalel the son of Uri ... made all the Lord had commanded Moses. And with I'm was Aholiab ... an engraver and designer, a weaver ....
Observation: These two men were in charge of the extensive work of constructing the tabernacle following all the detail which God had laid out for Moses. Chapter 39, verses 32 and 43 indicate there were a lot of Israelites on the project.
This is amazing. Here the Israelites are, out in the wilderness, and they have all this stuff, supplies and tools to build and fabricate, and all this skill and ability to complete the task. Where and how did they get this? They had just spent, as a nation, 430 years learning and perfecting these skills as slaves constructing palaces, shrines, homes, and even idols for the Egyptians! They were experts!
The tools they took with them from Egypt. The gold, silver, bronze, and linens were given to them when they left. The Egyptians lost over a million people who likely represented their entire workforce of construction and fabrication experts.
This also speaks about God's sovereignty. He did not simply have foreknowledge (as far back as Abram's sacrifice and accompanying dream in Genesis 15:7-21) that the Israelites would end up in Egypt and be enslaved. God planned it that way. He was preparing them to be the great nation that they became.The trials that they endured were just something that God took advantage of; it was his will and through it he produced a nation through which he could make himself known to all the world as an awesome God.
Application: And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to his purpose. God will do miracles in my life, glorify himself, and cause his enemies to stumble and fall regardless of, and actually through, my failures, past bondage to sin and all the trials I have endured. Trust in the Lord! He also has my life planned, and the lives of my family planned, to bring him glory. Never quit praising and thanking him for what he is doing even when things look dark and doubt is the only thing I want to express.
Prayer: You are glorious and amazing God. I'm floored that I get to be your child! I will worship you and trust you when the thundering and crashes of life's storms beat against my ship. You turn the storm back on itself! You make your name great! I love you. Amen.
Observation: These two men were in charge of the extensive work of constructing the tabernacle following all the detail which God had laid out for Moses. Chapter 39, verses 32 and 43 indicate there were a lot of Israelites on the project.
This is amazing. Here the Israelites are, out in the wilderness, and they have all this stuff, supplies and tools to build and fabricate, and all this skill and ability to complete the task. Where and how did they get this? They had just spent, as a nation, 430 years learning and perfecting these skills as slaves constructing palaces, shrines, homes, and even idols for the Egyptians! They were experts!
The tools they took with them from Egypt. The gold, silver, bronze, and linens were given to them when they left. The Egyptians lost over a million people who likely represented their entire workforce of construction and fabrication experts.
This also speaks about God's sovereignty. He did not simply have foreknowledge (as far back as Abram's sacrifice and accompanying dream in Genesis 15:7-21) that the Israelites would end up in Egypt and be enslaved. God planned it that way. He was preparing them to be the great nation that they became.The trials that they endured were just something that God took advantage of; it was his will and through it he produced a nation through which he could make himself known to all the world as an awesome God.
Application: And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to his purpose. God will do miracles in my life, glorify himself, and cause his enemies to stumble and fall regardless of, and actually through, my failures, past bondage to sin and all the trials I have endured. Trust in the Lord! He also has my life planned, and the lives of my family planned, to bring him glory. Never quit praising and thanking him for what he is doing even when things look dark and doubt is the only thing I want to express.
Prayer: You are glorious and amazing God. I'm floored that I get to be your child! I will worship you and trust you when the thundering and crashes of life's storms beat against my ship. You turn the storm back on itself! You make your name great! I love you. Amen.
Friday, September 12, 2014
Rags or Riches

Observation: What an amazing verse. I'm struck by Moses plea. I feel the weight of every word here. Moses said this just after God granted Moses request to see God's glory. Moses' experience with God has fully humbled him. Was Moses the person who has had the closest relationship with God ever?
His response is telling. Moses made still more requests: (1) please go with us, even though we are stubborn and rebellious, (2) forgive us! We desperately need it, and (3) bless us by keeping us as your choice treasure - the thing among all the earth that remains yours forever.
1. There is nothing more precious than God. Give up everything to be near him and to know him (Phil. 3:7-8).
2. Forgiveness is arguably the greatest need of every person. Doubtless it is the most urgent. Moses' example calls for my humility.
3. Rejoice! I am God's inheritance (Eph. 1:18). Meditate on the impact of that truth. Let it overwhelm me and infuse every part of my thinking.
Prayer: O my God, you are beyond any and all good thing I can know, see, experience, or desire. I want to see your glory and know your way. I need these things. I need you. Revive me God. I cannot but love you! Help to act that love for you. Amen.
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Don't Give It Up

1. Aaron must have been aware of the fact that God had already established Aaron and his descendants as priests.
2. The people all knew it as well which is why they came to him for guidance three verses earlier.
3. Idols are what these people knew because they grew up in Egypt. They asked for an idol specifically.
4. Aaron surrendered the high call of holiness, service, and blessing that God had placed on him, which was to be used for God's glory, and used it for Satan's service and glory instead.
Application: I have been given a very high calling as a father, leader, priest, minister of the word of reconciliation, and husband.
1. Ask God to show me all the idols that I worshipped before I gave my life to God that I am still holding onto.
2. Don't sacrifice my future and the hearts and futures of my family on the alter of easy pleasure and present desires. No one has ever accomplished anything great for God walking down hill. He hasn't set me in a raft and told me to float downstream with the current. I, like every other Christian, am supposed to "attain" for most of life.
3. Set my mind on things above. These gifts from the world are empty and actually come with personalized shackles.
4. Feel the weight of the responsibility and importance of God's charge to fulfill my calling. Let it spurn me to action. My family is in need of protection, guidance, motivation, encouragement, comfort, and an example. Let me be that and not another.
Prayer: Father, thank you for accepting me. I am surely broken in so may ways. I'm needy for what only you can provide. If I don't have you, then I won't have anything. Please teach and guide me. Please open my eyes to your kingdom and work. I love you. Amen.
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