Tuesday, May 6, 2014

God's Word Is Not Just Words

Scripture: Romans 15:4-5 "For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope. Now may the God of patience and comfort grant you to be like-minded toward one another according to Christ Jesus.

Observation: Paul's reference to the Scriptures here seems at first read to be out of place. That's why I journal about it. I've grown to know that nothing in Scripture is out of place. God intended to express something important with each word. I only need the Spirit to teach me!

Here's what I see here:
1. Paul is focused on unity (as I mentioned in the 30 April SOAP). He just used an OT verse (Psalm 69:9) to admonish believers to by love be humble enough to put the encouragement of others above my opinions and preferences.

2. Then for verses 4 and 5 he explains why it all comes back to Jesus and inextricably connects our faith in Jesus to the Scriptures and inextricably connects those to the character of God.

3. Thus, the Scriptures are a source of patience and comfort because the God who inspired them is the source of all patience and comfort because God is patience and hope. It is His very character.

Scripture comes from God not in the way that I give money to my children but in the way I give eye color to my children.

4. Therefore, my faith in the Scriptures, my reliance on them, the measure of comfort and peace and hope that I receive from them are directly connected to my understanding of who God is.

Prayer: Lord, my God and my Daddy, I am beyond blessed and gratefulness for Your Scriptures. I do not take them lightly. Please increase my faith and devotion. I love You. Amen.

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