Scripture: Romans 15:8 "... Jesus Christ has become a servant to the circumcision for the truth of God, to confirm the promises to the fathers,"
Observation: (#1 from the 6th) The Jews were granted eternal life through Jesus according to the promises of God (verse 8), to demonstrate His faithfulness and truth.
Often I think that I, in my historical, cultural, and geographical separation from the Jewish nation, completely miss the absolute necessity of the fulfillment of God's promises to the Jews. They were truly given an incredible heritage and blessing by God's working through them. It's amazing to think about God's decision to do so. But as Paul wrote back in Chapter 10, everyone else will declared a liar before God is ever found wrong or unable to fulfill even one small thing that He has said will happen.
Why did He determine to use the Jews? No reason - not one single reason - outside of His choice, His will, His election.
Application: The fact that God was able to complete the work through the Jewish lineage as He promised through the Hebrew Scriptures is a resounding reassurance for my everyday life.
Hope in God.
Apply Hebrews 11:6. Apply 1 Peter 1:6-9. Apply Romans 8:28-30. Apply Romans 8:38-39. Apply every promise, encouragement, hope, command and admonishment from all of Scripture.
Prayer: God, I have a hope because of Your word. And I hope in Your word because it is Yours. If anyone else makes a promise there is no guarantee it will happen, but You will outlast all things - there is no more sure foundation for life and hope. You were before everything. They will all perish but You will endure. Nothing can hinder or stop my Father! I love You. Amen.
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