Observation: Reasons given in Chapter 13, verses 1-5 to be subject to the governing authorities.
1. Authority by nature is an extension of God's authority (vs 1). I wonder how many of them consider that?
2. God appointed each ruler, governor, any and all authority (vs 1). This gets tough because of the very evil authorities in the world. This requires an understanding of God that is much greater than the deist or agnostic and is more complex than many Americans would take on God. This requires a God who is sovereign and who is for Himself (which also opens up questions and often rejections, but it is too much for a SOAP).
3. Resisting our governments (or rather its laws) is equal to resisting God (vs 2), which we all know brings punishment.
4. The government is there to punish law-breakers (vs 3). I shouldn't be surprised when I break the law and get punished.
5. Living by the laws of the land will result in a clean conscience (in this area) because we won't be under judgment of God.
Application: These verses have been interpreted and applied in so many ways over the history of Christianity. First, it led to pacifism despite martyrdom, the Catholic Rome married the government to the church, Luther also felt the church and the government were co-authorities over civil life, that concept carried over into most of the governments in Europe's history, many in the Reformation avoided rebellion to government to the point of death, the American colonies felt there was a point that this no longer applied (at least, those that were apart of the rebellion that cared about Scripture must have taken such a position), Sam Childres clearly believes there are times to fight against the government.
I don't know where I stand on the question of how far a Christian should be subject to the government. The one that Paul was under was certainly not an easy one for Christians to live under and yet he and Peter both implored Christians to be submissive. This will become increasingly more difficult of a question to answer as our government continues to oppress and persecute Christians for their faith (think I'm going crazy - just read this and this) under the law of the land. The best default answer is to take it at face value and obey regardless of how difficult it gets. Paul is speaking directly and bluntly here - I should probably respond appropriately.
Prayer: Father, may I honor You in my obedience to Scripture. I know that this text, outside of obeying traffic laws, tax laws, and other moral laws that are not difficult to obey, hasn't yet been a challenge. That may change soon. But I also pray for those Christians throughout the world who are being abused and killed for their faith in Your Son. Protect them. Bring glory to Your name. I love You. Amen.
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