Saturday, February 8, 2014

They Would Love Nothing More Than For You To Let Him Down

Scripture: Romans 11:29 "For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable."

Observation: In context, Paul is still talking about God's sovereign election of the Israelites. However, Paul's statement here is general in nature and applies to all of His gifts and all of His callings.

Application: When God calls me to something I should not question that calling until He makes it clear that I should stop.

God cannot be over-powered and His plans for me cannot be stopped.

The beginning of a call from God to something is always exciting and perhaps a bit scary. Over time though I will inevitably come across doubt, struggles, questioning of God's direction, naysayers, fear, pride sometimes, distraction or moments of failure and disappointment.

None of those mean that God's calling is revoked (of course, that depends on how great the failure is -  I am not, at his point, going into the realm of what to do when a leader falls into deep or habitual sin).

The enemy wants to stop me and he primarily does it through discouragement. If I can experience any of the things above and become discouraged I may grow apathetic or give up all together. I have to recognize their (Satan and his legions) ways and hold fast to the word that God spoke to me in that quiet moment so long ago.

God will never leave me nor forsake me. God is greater than I can even fathom. It's like I'm an elementary grade kid on the bus and I have the big, older high school brother. If my brother says I can do something, ain't no one gonna stop me from doing it. They can threaten and chide and name-call all they want, but if they actually try to stop me they are going to get thumped. I just have to remember that I won't be doing any thumping - He will.

Prayer: There is nothing like knowing You have called me to some area of service. You designed me to serve You and it brings great joy to do as You've asked. But I struggle with doubt during it. Please strengthen my resolve and help me to remember that there is a real enemy out there. My discouragement doesn't come from You. Your word is full of encouragement and love... those are the things that I need to hold on to. I love You. Amen.


  1. Nice words Dale. They are a good reminder to us all and these words were needed today! God's blessings to you and your family!

  2. Thank you, Francisco! I share these journals in hopes that they might be some sort of an encouragement to someone else out there and I praise God that it was for you!
