Monday, February 17, 2014

It's Not One Or The Other - Love vs. Law

Scripture: Romans 13:9 "Owe no one anything except to love one another, for he who loves another has fulfilled the law."

Observation: Love fulfills the law, but love is not a new law. It simply meets the old law's standard.

What does that mean? The law was given because it is an extension of God's character. It wasn't just some random set of rules to test obedience. It's how He wanted us to live. It is what He would do were He to live here, which is proved by the fact that Romans 8:4 says that God sent Jesus to "fulfill the righteous requirement of the law." Acting toward one another in love means that we will do to others things that are consistent with God's love.

The New Testament does make some differentiation between the law of sin and death and the law of the Spirit of life, but this is not so much about the nature of the laws themselves as it is about the relationship between living by the laws or living by faith and the reward of eternal life.

Application: I would make a real mistake if I thought Paul was telling me to just have some euphoric emotional goodwill toward others and that will make the world some utopia.

Read the next verse (13:10)!

Someone who loves won't cheat on their spouse (emotionally, physically, relationally, mentally), have sex outside of marriage, kill (which includes anger toward others), lie (by speaking what is not true or by deceiving or by withholding truth), covet, disrespect their parents, blaspheme God's name, steal (property, or withhold proper payment, time, affection, encouragement, compliments, etc. Stealing includes not meeting relational needs, i.e. abandonment.)

I will do the law if I love as God loves. The only difference will be the "why" - my motivation for doing it.

Prayer: Father, let me love as You do. That starts by loving You through actions. Then I must apologize to others for each time I fail to love them in action. Please help me to get this right! I love You. Amen.

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