Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Imperative Connection of Love and Holiness

Scripture: Yesterday's S.O.A.P. brought this up. 1 John 3:10 "whoever does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor is he who does not love his brother."

Observation: Yesterday I was surprised to see that in the letters written by the apostles holiness and love were spoken of together repeatedly. This verse in 1 John; Romans 12:1, 2 and 9; James 1:21-27 and chapter 2:1... with longer study I believe that it would be found in every book written to the church. Even the Sermon on the Mount is essentially all about loving others well and living holy lives by God's definition rather than ours.

Application: I think the fact that holiness and love are found so often together is simply the evidence that both of them are expected from me. It's also a guard and a warning against the extremes that are so prevalent in my society today.

It's like we've made "holiness" and "love" enemies.

Some people drive off all emotion from their Christian walk while others, in their freedom in Christ, eschew obedience to God's commands about holiness. God warns against both extremely. First John 3:10 speaks against the love-aphobics and Hebrews 12:14 to the rule-aphobics.

Where am I in this?

Nori says that the reason "love" and "holiness" are spoken of together is that one cannot be had without the other. They are inseparable. Love is not love if it is mixed with sin. Holiness, unguided  by love, serves only itself.

Or at least that's what I think she was getting at.

Prayer: Your ways and Your word amaze me every time I study them. I feel like I'm scaling a mountain of which I cannot see the top. Regardless of the height I climb the end never comes in sight. No matter how deeply I dive into the sea of Your truth and of who You are I never feel near the bottom. I only get a feeling that it is unreachable. It makes me feel small. And it also assures me that You are trustworthy and praiseworthy. I love You. Amen.

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