Tuesday, February 18, 2014

We Didn't Mean Not To.

Scripture: Romans 13:11-14 "And do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand. Therefore let us cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light. Let us walk properly, as in the day, not in revelry and drunkenness, not in lewdness and lust, not in strife and envy. But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts."

Observation: These verses are the context but the Spirit is just keying in on the last bit, "make no provision for the flesh." It's funny that this should be the week that I read this verse every day because I just had a conversation with Christian about the importance of intentionality. I guess God wants me to not be a hypocrite! Whenever the kids do something on accident they usually say something like, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." Depending on the situation my response is often, "Yeah, but you didn't mean not to."

Application: The avoidance of sin doesn't happen automatically or even over time. It happens when I mean it to. If I really want to avoid a certain sin or break its hold over my life I will do something about it.

If I'm serious about holiness, I will "make no provision," no avenue for sin to be fed nor exercised. I will get rid of that activity, television, movie, computer, acquaintance, hobby, habit, etc. If I don't and I commit that same sin because I fell prey to that same temptation that always comes from my involvement in that same activity then I certainly didn't try not to!

So I better not tell God when I'm confessing it later that I "just can't seem to overcome such-and-such sin" or I "didn't mean to."

I better get real and just confess that watching my favorite TV show, in which people dress unlike how the Bible says I should, treats sex unlike how the Bible says I should, and that promotes all sorts of unholy attitudes toward life and other people, because its funny and that is more important to me than God and His "inconvenient" commands.

I better be honest and tell Him that the argument I just had with my wife over the house repair that I still haven't completed is going to happen again because golfing (insert other hobby) for four hours plus a meal afterward is more important than His hatred of selfishness and laziness.

Instead of confessing that I've once against spent the night drinking and doing other things with my mouth, mind, heart, hands, feet and eyes that I know are wrong, I should instead explain to God that I only want to have a little fun and relax - even if it does mean that I'll probably do something that God's Son was tortured, ridiculed and crucified for. I'm sure God will go ahead and forgive my flippant attitude and my "unintentional" transgressions.

And I have to remember that God is not calling me to stop doing evil and then be left with no life. He wants me to stop sinning and then He has a huge amount of good things for me to do! I have to make room because for every activity I put down in obedience, He has ten times more of a rewarding activity for me to do.

Prayer: Father, I may have already established protective walls to remove some provisions for the flesh, but I know there are more steps to take. This enemy is not passive. May I never take Your love, Your mercy, Your grace, or the suffering of Your Son for granted. And may I never be satisfied with not doing the bad, but continue on pursuing the things You're calling me to do! I love You. Amen.


  1. This certainly gave me a perspective I hadn't quite had. Thank you

  2. Yeah, I doubt the Holy Spirit will lead each person to avoid the same things because Paul speaks several times of the differing issues of conscience, but I do believe He will speak to everyone about something throughout our whole lives.
