Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Sabino again

Exhibit A
We went to Sabino today for a little hike. It was very nice out. When we got to the dam, we started checking out the tadpoles and other creatures living in the almost-still water. We saw a bug-looking fish or a fish-looking bug. It was long, skinny and had tiny "fins" on it's back 1/3. We were going to grab some tadpoles (that didn't work out very well last year), but then saw two Giant Waterbugs a.k.a Belostomatida a.k.a Toe Biters. Right away I got the heebee geebees. I risked my 10 fingers and scooped them up into our juice cups. The kids were ecstatic. Nori took a liking to the smaller one and called her Lani (LAWN-knee). Bubba took the biggin' and titled him (of course it was a boy!) Pork Chop (PORK-chop). They were pretty sweet actually.

Now the story gets sad (as all of my posts lately do). We left them in the same, large container for a couple of hours with no problems. Candi and I both went to our respective works. Candi returned and we had Pork Chop and pieces of Lani left. Evidently, they don't just bite toes. Nori was sad (I guess - I was at work still) for a bit, until Candi spanked Pork Chop with a leaf. Unlike Lani, I think she'll live.

So just a note to all you Giant Waterbug collectors out there - "don't cross the streams."

We're holding a wake at 11am for any that would like to come pay their respects. Ice cream to follow.

This is a male Belostomatida carrying the eggs on it's back.

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