Sunday, January 19, 2014

What's All This Groaning About?!

Scripture: Romans 8:26 "Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered."

This verse has always confused me because even though it appears to be self-explanatory it can't be as simple as that because of the context that it is in.

Paul isn't talking about prayer here. If he had written this in Galatians 5 or Philippians 4:6.5 it would make sense. But after reading this so often this week and meditating on these Scriptures I believe I see now the connection actually comes with the word "groan".

In verse 22 the Greek is transliterated "systenazo," meaning "moaning or desiring together; jointly."
In verse 23 the Greek is "stenazo" - "to sigh, murmur in grief."
In verse 26 "stenagmos" meaning "a groaning."

Pulling form each of these, in verse 22 the creation is waiting and longing for the time when God frees it from the curse of sin. In verse 23 we are doing the same. So in verse 26, when Paul brings up the Spirit, he is doing two things: (1) He is showing that all the parties involved, including God, is eager for the redemption of creation and (2) Paul is transitioning to complete the thoughts he began in Chapter 5!

The argument seems to be this:
1. Christ died in our place to save us a bring a better life (Chapter 5).
2. If Jesus died for us and we have been joined to Him in faith we should also live in the fact that we're now free to do good (Chapter 6).
3. Not that we're able to do it ourselves(!) because the sin in us will default to bring about more sin (Chapter 7).
4. We can, however, live and do things pleasing to God by living and acting in the Spirit, which again we should be doing because to choose to not live in the Spirit means we're choosing to live in the flesh (Chapter 8:1-17).
5. Therefore, I must press on to live in the Spirit and I can be 100% assured that God wants me to be holy, that He is 100% working to help me succeed in becoming like Jesus Christ, and that so long as I persevere in my efforts I cannot be separated from God (8:28-39).

That is why Paul writes that the Spirit is praying for us. The Holy Spirit prays that we be made like Christ because to be like Christ is to be free of the curse of sin. He is groaning, like we are, for the return of Christ and our sanctification. As we strive to be "slaves of righteousness" the Spirit is praying hyper-effectively for our changing with an effectiveness that we can't possibly match.

Application: Be encouraged! Be steadfast! Praise God's goodness! Join the Spirit in prayer for my maturing.

The theological foundations of this chapter demand so much response that it's hard to write it all out.

Prayer: This passage screams out that my hope and attention should always be on my future and the future of Your people all for Your glory. And man do I have to praise You! Your heart and mind are ever on us!

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