Saturday, March 2, 2013

The Heart of Cain's Problem

Scripture: Genesis 4:5-6 "but [God] did not respect Cain and his offering. And Cain was very angry, and his countenance fell. So the Lord said to Cain, 'Why are you angry? And why has your countenance fallen?' "

Observation: This interaction between God and Cain continues on for another 9 verses, but it starts with Cain's unsanctified offering, his response to rejection, and God's greatest concern at that point.

We do not know many specifics surrounding why God didn't accept Cain's offering but some things are clear: Cain's heart was wrong during and after the offering. The only reason Cain could have for anger to be his response to God's disapproval is that he knew the offering was not done with a heart that wholly desired to please the Lord. God always accepts the imperfect offerings given from a perfect heart. If God for some reason cannot accept it He will, like any loving father, tell me.

This is further proven by the fact that God didn't even mention the offering afterward. He passes it by and moves straight to Cain's heart. Anger and self-pity were Cain's responses. It was all about Cain. God was concentrating on the heart of the issue - Cain's self-centered, sinful heart.

Application: First, the offering was expected. I am, along with people everywhere, under obligation (to our own good) to worship God. That is good and right. It also is the primary source of man's rebellion by which man condemns himself to hell's eternal punishment. Our sinful nature refuses to bow to God. So worship the Lord, all you people!!!

Second, God is praised by the trees, rocks, oceans, horses, eagles, and sharks. The only exceptional aspect that I can bring is a heart that willingly desires to worship the King. A willingness, more than that - a joyfulness at my opportunity to be a living sacrifice to my Creator God is my special gift from God.

Third, God loves me beyond my comprehension. He is "merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abounding in goodness and truth " (Exodus 34:6). Only Satan and his demons comes at us with fingers pointed. God returns with arms open, and will bring specific sins or attitudes to us for us to turn from (repent).

Prayer: Father, my greatest problem is my rebellious and wandering heart. Please continue to draw me by Your goodness and to teach me that You alone can satisfy the longings that burn in my heart. You are good Lord! I love You. Amen.

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