Scripture: Ephesians 1:3 "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ,"
Observation: Paul refers to God as the God of Jesus. This is a weird concept to me. I think of "the Father of Jesus" and "the Son of God," but not of Jesus having a God. I wonder what Paul is trying to emphasize with that statement.
"Every spiritual blessing" obviously means more than I know. I don't grasp the fullness of His blessings and the riches of the inheritance now. That understanding must be coming (in part) as part of my sanctification. But I should apply it now with knowledge of the promises that I have (Mark 4:24-25).
IMPORTANT - "in the heavenly places..." So are the spiritual blessings only residing in heaven (c.f. 1 Peter 1:3-4) or are they established in heaven first and made a realization in the physical? Maybe some spiritual blessings won't be realized here, or understood at least. Certainly we merely glimpse the glory, beauty, majesty of God and our relationship with Him now can't be even close to the intimacy we'll enjoy in eternal life. I suppose that's why Paul says that our spirit groans for release from this "tent."
"... in Christ." - there's that phrase again. Is it an identity things? What is practical about it? This phrase is so prevelent in the NT that there must be a significant purpose to it - there must be spiritual truth that should influence or effect everything I do. I don't get it yet though.
Application: I need to keep the knowledge of my blessings and gifts from God in my mind throughout everyday. Those blessings (that are thus far understood) are the power from God to live a godly life.
Prayer: Father please teach me to be ever mindful of the benefits of my position and identity (two different things!) with you. There are people all around me that need the gospel and they need the light which you've given me to shine. I also need to show your love to my family and the members of the body of Christ better. I need to live in the reality of those blessings. Thank you for blessing me as you have! Please help me not to be materialistic or shallow about the gifts, and to be abundantly satisfied with what I have in Christ. Please sanctify me! I grow weary of falling short of the "abundant life." Thank you for your grace and mercy which you have shown to me without any merit. Thank you for salvation. I love you. Amen.
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