Sunday, January 9, 2011

Lost in Translation... and Gunsan

At one point in time, everyone in the world spoke the same language.  Sweet!  I'm sure this made a lot of things easier.  Unfortunately, God saw that it made man's most natural act too effective - sinful pride and arrogance  (You can read the history of this here.) - and now here we are with a plethora of languages.  I for one have a really hard time learning other languages, but I've met people that were naturally talented with learning the speak another language.  I would say those people could make a lot of money helping to translate for those that aren't so good at it.

During our time in Japan we often would go to the mall and see the work of those that didn't translate so well on the t-shirts of the Japanese people.  I doubt Candi and I were successful in not letting people know we weren't laughing at them, ... just their clothing choice.  Three of most memorable ones were:

"The fields are alive with raped flowers."

"Diamonds are my favorite partner."

"F#%@ You."

Korea has it's share of frustrated or mis- translations.  While out on the town one night a group of us stumbled upon a shopping district that we hadn't seen before.  It proved an interesting night, to say the least.  Behold...

Is this true?
 "Hey good lookin', what'cha got cookin'?"

Words can't describe what theses word describe.

What about me?

Further research in this area can be done at   


  1. Hey Dale,

    Glad to see a little "blogging action!" Thanks for the pictures and note - we're all looking forward to seeing you.

    Keep up the good work!

  2. snuck into my brain and stole this title for my future blog..then again, we don't exactly run in the same circles at home..but maybe that will change..i want to meet your fam will probably at Jon and Elizabeth's wedding ;)

  3. that's funny! that would be great to get to see everyone elsewhere on this side of heaven.

  4. Mrs. FPF, it's good to be back. I have a ton of stuff to put up. By the way, I get in to Tucson on Alaska Air flight 648Y on the 3rd at 3:48pm. How's my reservation looking for the 3rd to 4th?
