Sometime around the end of May an evangelist came from the states that had written a book outlining a program for memorizing Scripture. I found this to be a great answer to prayer for me because I had began memorizing about a year prior with some success. I had put to memory all of Ephesians, chapter 2 when I found out I was deploying/PCSing to Korea because of the content concerning the peace and identity that we have through the gospel of Christ. I thought that would be valuable during the separation.
Anyway, the program was very methodical and simple. I started putting it to use right away and it has been one of the biggest blessings in my entire life. Even though I've memorized a lot of verses since then and am now nearing the end of putting all of 1 Peter to memory, that is really just a side note. The thrust of it is that of the sure doctrinal foundation that God has built me upon through it. I've always known a Christian should be able to comply with 1 Peter 3:15 "but sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meakness and fear." I'm thankful for this experience because I believe I am much nearer to that charge.
To me, this is another example of the truth that God works in each of our lives in a way that provides for a continuous and consistent growth toward Christ-likeness and that He does so for the specific time and place that we are each experiencing.
Beyond that, during May, June and July I was preparing for the mid-tour with my family and doing college courses. I had made a plan to complete a lot of my school work and that plan worked out, but God had better plans for me that I submitted to for the remainder of the year. The only trip that I took during those months was on the 4th of July with the Haveners.
I can't even tell you the name of the area we went to but it was a great time. We drove all the way down the seawall and went to a beach at the end of it. The afternoon was full of good food, activities, and a hike.
No 4th of July is complete without fried chicken so Popeye's took care of that for us! When we proceeded to the beach. We organized a kickball game which is tough in the sand. It became even harder to round second base with the infield covered in jellyfish. In the end, we had a good time and lost no soccerballs to the sea.
Afterward, we hiked around the cliffs of the shore. I've loved the land of Korea since I flew over it back in February.
And, of course, there was some curousing...
Here's a few more classic pics of Korea, which I have grown to appreciate so much more now that I've been here for so long.
I think the key to really enjoying the time here is to embrace the culture.
This is random, but beautiful.
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