Tuesday, June 17, 2008

A little of this, a little of that

There's been a lot of little things to write about lately.

Nori and Christian have either completed or are within a couple of weeks of completing their respective grades/classes. We started them both in November; Nori in 2nd and Christian in 1st. I'm so proud of the work they do.

A friend and I hung gutters on our house last Saturday. I wish we could save all the water for the winter season. I just don't think it would be that cost effective. Anyway, the guy that helped is an extremely handy guy and has helped me learn a lot about fixing stuff 'round the house.

We watched Jumpers last night. That was actually decent. I assumed before hand that it would be a cool idea with a poorly developed storyline, so-so acting, an underdeveloped plot, and loose ends. I got what I expected. However, Darth Vader did a better job than I thought and I am still wondering what I would do if I could teleport anywhere I wanted. Would I be a good Jumper or a bad Jumper? Would people hunt me down as monstrosity or abomination?

I'm leaving the Pirating business, er, Secret Agent business and going into movie critiquing. Think I'll make it?

I start the next class as Liberty U next week - Daniel and Revelation. It probably won't be easy, but classes from there encourage my faith and challenge my beliefs.

Our pool is going great the 2nd time around. It is really nice to relax in with all this heat.

Two weeks until the circus - swwweeeeeeeeeeetaaaaaah!

Candi and I have almost been married 10 years... well, o.k. almost 9 years and that's almost 10! So, it doesn't seem like we've been married for almost 20 years - amazing. I am extremely bless to be married to her; I can't wait to see the rest!

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