Scripture: Ephesians 1:20, "which He worked in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places,"
God works.
God raised Jesus from the dead. This is in addition to other verses that say that Jesus raised Himself and that the Spirit raised Him as well.
God seated Jesus at His right hand, the hand of authority.
Application: In light of the previous verse the power which God worked in this verse is the same power toward us. How much is God for us?!!! No matter the extent of the pain, setbacks, hurt, depression, disappointment, failure, inadequacy, or fear that I face, the same power that empowered Jesus, raised Jesus, and glorified Jesus is active in and toward me. If God is for me, who can be against me and succeed or what could be beyond His care and concern and power? Not a person, not a government, not a society, not a demon, not a sickness. God is almighty!
Where do I need this truth today? I need to live in faith over the power that God wants to pass through me to the world "to the praise of the His glory" (vs. 14).
Prayer: I recognize that You have abundant power to make me successful in anything You've sent me to do. I also know that You are always working and that You are there with me when I'm engaged in tasks that You've called me to. Please increase my faith! Increase my awareness and sensitivity to Your presence. That's where my faith is lacking. Please increase my faith. I love You. Amen.
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