Thursday, July 7, 2011

His Plan, His Purpose, His Will, His Glory

Scripture: Ephesians 1:11 "In Him also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will,"

Observation: We have a promised or already received inheritance.

Again, God's will cannot be thwarted. It will be accomplished.

God counsels Himself. Interesting. I'm not sure that I'm smart enough to understand how that works.

"All things" may be all things concerning the gospel and salvation or it could mean all things, referring to complete sovereignty. I think it likely here means the latter.

Application: There is both a promised and received inheritance. I ought to live in the reality of both at the same time. That will keep me from loving this world (1 John 2:16). My life should be defined by peace which is derived from the absolute security that I have in Christ.

Finally, as James implores, should seek God for wisdom in all things. I need wisdom and that is a fact. God is the source and giver of all knowledge and wisdom. Seek Him for it. (Proverbs 3:5-6)

Prayer: Thank You for all that You've given me. You are truly a good God! Help me to keep my mind on the heavenly home and the spiritual mission. I pray that You will teach me faith that I would have peace and that my hope will be in You always. And I do pray for wisdom. You know there are so many tasks, so many things that I'm not prepared for. Please help met o seek you for wisdom in each and every challenge I face.

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