Saturday, August 13, 2011

Zombies Are Real - Are You One Of Them?

Scripture: Ephesians 2:1 "And you He made alive who were once dead in trespasses and sins,"

Observation: We were, I was, dead. God accomplished it all. It dos not say, "And you He helped to come alive." The deadness was through and through.

Sin held that power; it is that strong. It should not be underestimated. By doing so, I have time and time again fought a losing battle.

Ultimately anyone attempting to overcome sin is doing so out of their pride.  The thought "Now that I'm a Christian and saved through God's grace, empowered with His Holy Spirit, and blessed with every spiritual blessing in Christ so therefore I ought to be able to withstand temptations" is born out of pride. I want to overcome sin for God. I want to please Him with my strengthI want to demonstrate my steadfast loyalty to the Lord. It's all about me at that point. It's a virtuous desire, but an impossible one.

No! The Israelites were told to avoid even the slightest mingling with the peoples around them in Canaan because if they did not they were bound, destined, unavoidably fated to compromise and then to fail.

Application: The correct answer to sin in our lives is to establish boundaries of protection. Root out and eliminate all sinful sources. I am prone enough to walk away from God without additional help. 1 Corinthians 10:13 says that God "made a way of escape"from temptation, not a "way of overpowering".

Remember where I came from. My testimony is only a testimony because there was a change from death to life! Lost to found. Old to new. Walk in the newness of life. Give God all the glory.

Prayer: Father, help me to identify with those that you send me to. They are me without you. Please keep me humble, for that is right - it is right for me to be so. Lord, I praise You for who You are and thank You for what You have done! I truly love You. Amen.

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