Just sharing some quotes from an online article...
"China bluntly criticized the United States... saying the "good old days" of borrowing were over."
... I wonder how that is said in Cantonese. I thought that was an American idiom.
"China -- the United States' biggest creditor -- said Washington only had itself to blame for its plight and called for a new stable global reserve currency."
... this one is just great! This horse is dead already, but why are in huge debt to a communist country who is our largest enemy at this point in time?
... What's that? China is pointing their finger at this situation for support for a global reserve currency. Now that's something the Anti-christ could use!
"China scorned the United States for its "debt addiction"..."
... Whatever! Oh, wait. I agree with this one. But honestly, what are we really going to do about it?
"[China] urged the United States to cut military and social welfare expenditure."
... I'll bet China would appreciate us cutting our military expenditure.
... I actually agree with cutting a huge amount of our social welfare expenditure, but isn't this coming from a communist country? I'm confused.
"Obama called on Congress to back measures to give tax relief to the middle class, extend jobless benefits and pass long-delayed international trade pacts."
... Nothing new from the President. Give more money away in hopes that people will spend, spend, spend! That will help! I'm just saying how about we go for a healthy, stable economy? I'd prefer thrift over huge investment growth.
... How about we stop paying people who are out of a job? Necessity is the mother of invention and I think people will be much more motivated to come up with ways to make money when Uncle Sam isn't footing the bill.
"India's finance minister Pranab Mukherjee told reporters: "There is no need to unnecessarily press the panic button.""
... Spiritually speaking, I think it's time we do that here in the U.S.
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