Friday, July 29, 2011

July 4th, 2011

On the 4th of July weekend we traveled to Enid, OK, which is kind of unusual because it's not much different than Altus... still Oklahoma.  Enid however is a bit bigger and so they have their own Home Depot, their own Starbucks, and even though we didn't visit it I'm pretty sure they had a Dairy Queen somewhere in town.

Of course the only thing that could get us to Enid is dear friends. 

This just happened to be some friends that we were stationed in Japan with.  Between the two of our families there were five young ladies and two young men.  Within minutes of being in their house they had managed to drag a hose out, attach it to a toy slide, lay the end of the slide on a tarp and cover the tarp with dish soap. 

                                       Shablam! Insto-matic water park!

Shortly after, we went for a walk by the "pond."  That turned out to be a water hazard on the city golf course.  It was still a nice walk.
The definition of trust.

For memory's sake, this is the tree by which I ate my first ant - a surprisingly enjoyable citrus flavor.

Where's Waldo?

The second day was full of guy stuff.   
The fish didn't bite.  They were just plain scared.

 We walked a quarter mile across a lake (which only put us in three feet deep water) and laid out a trot line.  I was quickly education that it's not used to catch "trot." 

The rest of the afternoon was filled with the pictures below.

I'm proud to say that the boys are a pretty natural shot. 

 Christian nailed a bottle from about 25 feet.  Those rabbits on the base golf course need to be on guard.

Wyatt successfully shot my sunglasses somewhere in the range of 15 feet (they were on the bottle... not on me).

A pretty much unforgettable weekend. Thanks Phillips'!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Praise God our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord!

Scripture: Ephesians 1:21 "far above all principality and power and might and dominion and every name that is named, not only in this age but in that which is to come."

What are the principalities, powers, mights, and dominions? Are they spiritual or temporal? This phrase is used elsewhere in relation to the spiritual realm (Eph. 6; Eph. 2). Perhaps I should consider the spiritual powers to be above human powers as a standard. "You have made him a little lower than the angels..."

God's plan was to put Jesus above everything. Jesus has become the mightiest, worthy of all praise and glory and honor. Repeatedly Jesus is lifted as supremely valuable, worthy, and mighty. (c.f. Revelation 5:11,12; Phil. 2:9-11). Philippians 2:11 is extremely important because it describes the reason or purpose that God determined to send, crucify, raise and glorify Jesus - it increases the glory that God receives from us.

Application: Jesus needs to be in that place in my mind and heart as well. I should ascribe to Him, by faith, greater strength and wisdom than any institution or friend or enemy that I encounter (be it physical, mental, spiritual, or relational). There should be no problem or struggle that He cannot be trusted with. "Hope does not disappoint!"

Second, Jesus must be absolutely, without reservation my highest and most cherished treasure! There is no greater person or object existing. As John Piper said, Mary wiped Jesus' feet with her hair because even the least part of Jesus is greater than, and worthy of praise with, the most beautiful and wonderful part of us.

If I give my entire being to the worship of Jesus I will fulfill my highest purpose and receive my highest fulfillment at the same time. My outpouring of my life to Jesus' praise will result in God's filling of me for everything and anything that I need. It is His will for it to be that way.

Prayer: Lord, please help me today to keep faith in You. Help me to never seek strength or might from man or circumstance. You are my God! Jesus, You are my might and righteous and glorious King! My Redeemer lives and my God triumphs in love, grace, mercy, and goodness! Oh, how I love You for Your awesome character and endless, undeserving love for me. Amen.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

It's Like I'm He-Man's Sidekick

Scripture: Ephesians 1:20, "which He worked in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places,"

God works.

God raised Jesus from the dead. This is in addition to other verses that say that Jesus raised Himself and that the Spirit raised Him as well.

God seated Jesus at His right hand, the hand of authority.

Application: In light of the previous verse the power which God worked in this verse is the same power toward us. How much is God for us?!!! No matter the extent of the pain, setbacks, hurt, depression, disappointment, failure, inadequacy, or fear that I face, the same power that empowered Jesus, raised Jesus, and glorified Jesus is active in and toward me. If God is for me, who can be against me and succeed or what could be beyond His care and concern and power? Not a person, not a government, not a society, not a demon, not a sickness. God is almighty!

Where do I need this truth today? I need to live in faith over the power that God wants to pass through me to the world "to the praise of the His glory" (vs. 14).

Prayer: I recognize that You have abundant power to make me successful in anything You've sent me to do. I also know that You are always working and that You are there with me when I'm engaged in tasks that You've called me to. Please increase my faith! Increase my awareness and sensitivity to Your presence. That's where my faith is lacking. Please increase my faith. I love You. Amen.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Time to Get Schooled

Scripture: Ephesians 1:18 "the eyes of your understanding being enlightened, that you may know what is the hope of your calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints."

Observation: Paul desires them to know two things as a result of verse 17: (1) the hope of God's calling, and (2) the actual and true riches that we have as the result of our new identity. Understanding these is crucial in Paul's mind. Repeatedly in the epistles he implores believers to grow in their understanding of Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit, exhorting that only through increase in wisdom and knowledge will they increase in godliness and live a victorious life.

Also, I need enlightening. That's a humbling thought... fact. Again, I have a need. Nothing new, nothing surprising. I don't hold within myself true understanding; it doesn't come naturally to me. I merely have been given the "boldness and access with confidence" (Ephesians 3) to ask for it. I must ever remember that I also hold the ability to deceive myself, and to open myself up to deception. If I have the Spirit of Christ living within me I also have a new nature (2 Corinthians 5:17 and Galatians 2:20) which I can access through a consistent relationship with God and through a steadfast pursuit of the kingdom of God and His righteousness.

Application: I need to keep the important where the important belongs. I need to relinquish control and pursuit of this life to God.

Prayer: Father, please teach me to approach the things and people in this world in the right way. Honestly, they shouldn't have the same meaning to me. I often treat the people around me as tools and I love the things. It's suppose to be the other way around. I ask earnestly that you teach me to love those around me as you do. I want to see those in my life come to know you in the way that I do. And enlighten my eyes of understanding so that I can see and hear and know You and Your Son and Your Spirit and Your kingdom and will. I love you. Amen.

Like Father Like Son

Scripture: Ephesians 1:19 "and what is the exceeding greatness of His might power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power."

Observation: God directs His power toward us, and He does it in its fullness.

Application: This is related to Romans 8:32 in that God's love for us is full of goodness and joy and hope and support and a purpose and a plan. He gives out of cheerfulness and goodness. I am to give of myself in the same manner. I should give to God and I should give to others in joy, not of necessity, nor for dishonest gain, nor grudgingly. I should do as God does. 1 Peter 1 says I am to be holy as God is holy. Ephesians 4:32 says I am to be kind, tenderhearted and "forgiving one another even as God in Christ forgave you." In Luke 6:35 and 36, Jesus says I (and all those who call themselves Jesus' followers) should "love your enemies, do good and lend hoping for nothing in return... and you will be sons of the Most High. For He is kind to the unthankful and evil." So I should also be merciful just like my Father is.

Prayer: I need to be like you; I want to be like you. I pray that you would even today place people in my path that I can forgive, give to without desire for repayment, be tenderhearted toward, and be merciful to in deed and word. I love you. Amen.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Choose This Day

When we talk to others about home schooling we normally get two questions.  First, how do our kids learn socialization skills when they aren't spending eight hours a day around twenty to thirty other young adults?  I talked about that one back here.

The second question is why we, as Christians, would want to remove our children from an environment that needs the "salt" as Jesus called us. Something in yesterday's news (more on that below) brought that question to mind, or even more, what our answer has been since day one.

Believers in Christ are all too familiar with the daily struggle to, as Paul puts it, "walk in the Spirit and ... not fulfill the lusts of the flesh." Wrestling against our "flesh," as the Bible often calls our human bent toward sinful behaviors, is a daily task - I want to gossip, I want to complain, I was to stress out instead of pray, I want to get angry, and on and on and on.  What does this have to do with homeschooling?

Basically, I find it unreasonable to expect my children to accomplish something that I am still striving to do and that is to be more of an influence on those around me than they are on me. Let's be honest - children don't encourage one another to do the right thing in deed or word when left alone in a group.  After all, as God has called me to obedience I have had to remove myself from many people and situations that make it too difficult to be holy as God has called me to be  (1 Peter 1:14-16).

On the other hand, I've found that with the right moral and ethical foundation and training children can eventually learn to make great decisions (wise ones).  With the right foundations, when faced with wrong things and tough situations they will be equipped to make the right decision to avoid it (Prov. 22:3).

So, the news? California recently passed a law which requires homosexual lifestyles to be taught in all levels of history curiculum.  That according to CNN and Fox News.  So what does a Christian parent trying to raise a person to adulthood do when dealt that hand?  The answer to me is obvious.  When an institution is doing all it can to teach my children to appreciate and accept a morality that opposes the morality that I am trying to teach them - and I'm giving them twice as many hours a day as I have to do it! - the decision is easy.  Regardless of the financial cost, regardless of the cost of person goals, regardless of the time burden.  I won't sacrifice my children's hearts and minds on the alter of "life experience." 

For those of us not living is California we are in a good position.  We can look to the decisions and laws made there as the wind before the storm, like turning of the leaves in the fall.  We can choose to change our lifestyles now and make moves to ensure our children aren't indoctrinated with lies. 

Steve Maxwell from Titus2 put it this way:
"Dads desiring a godly legacy understand the need to train their children's minds in a Christ-focused, virtuous environment. They will pay their property tax bills (much goes to public and charter schools and state colleges) without the "benefit" of having their children's education funded in order to avoid the godless, promiscuity-promoting, humanistic environment that the state system provides. Families avoiding state-funded education bear the added financial burden to purchase their own curriculum to ensure that God has His place in the knowledge that is shaping their children's minds."

Where Does It Come From? What Is It Worth?

Scripture: Ephesians 1:17 "that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him."

Observation: Like verse 1:3 God is called Jesus' father. I don't often think of that but it is truth nonetheless.

The Lord is the source of "wisdom and revelation". I have readily available knowledge. There are facts and experiments, studies and books out there and those are there for our own discovery and taking. However, there is also secret wisdom, hidden knowledge which God holds and which He reveals at His will, to His children - His sheep, as the gospel according to John says - to the praise of His glory.

The first bit of wisdom that God reveals to someone is that He is God and that we are sinners, which produces fear rightly, for fear is the beginning of wisdom.

Application: Don't let my foundation be shaken when the lost world shouts about their knowledge, education, methods and understanding. God has always shocked and humbled the world with what He knows, thinks, and does. Remember what He has said and told me to do. That is sure, that won't falter, that won't pass away, that won't be found lacking, that will be sufficient for me.

Prayer: I don't know where I fail to trust you at your word, but I want to see it. If I'm lacking faith please show me. " have put gladness in my heart more than in the season that their grain and wine increase" (Psalm 4:7). I love you. Amen.

Happy 29th Birthday, Candi!!!!!

Consider and Be Encouraged

Scripture: Ephesians 1:15-16 "Therefore I also, after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints, do not cease to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers:"

Observation: Paul here opens the discussion toward application of the first 14 verses. The Ephesians are blessed, redeemed, given the revelation of God's will, sealed, predestined to adoption, accepted, joined with the others ("beloved"), and forgiven. Wow.

Application: When people hear of my actions, what do they hear and how do they respond? Are they encouraged in their faith? Do they have reason to glorify God (1 Pet 2:11-12)? I need a genuine and active faith - a faith that works, as James says.

Second, how do I respond to the faith of others? Am I brought to my knees in worship of the work of God? Do I intercede for their faith, their sanctification, their protection, and witness? Do I thank God for their response to His calling, their salvation by His work? It's kind of like the cliche "Family is all you got." Do  encourage their faith?

Prayer: Lord, I definitely need to encourage more and to be one that remembers the faith of others. This feels like just another thing that I lack in my attitude toward others. This should bring a sense of joy for the believers around me, an excitement of our common faith, but I don't think it does now. Please teach me, chasten me, guide me to You. Teach me to have the joy that Your word commands me to have. I know that Your presence and my nearness to You will change me. I love You.

Monday, July 11, 2011

The Deal of a Lifetime

Scripture: Ephesians 1:14 "who is the guarantee of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, to the praise of His glory."

Observation: We have a guarantee of our inheritance; that's assurance of eternal life. Hope that does not disappoint.

We have an inheritance but it is not here. There is a future redemption.

We are God's possession, for Himself, for His glory. Holding to or espousing any other purpose for God's plan of redemption of the lost infinitely cheapens the work of Christ and the glory of God.

Application: I should live in the confidence of my inheritance and future. There will be two very different life modes based on where I place my inheritance and homestead.

Also, God has purchased me. I've accepted that purchase and that doesn't change. That would be the equivalent of God returning me. No, the Holy Spirit testifies in me that I'm have citizenship in heaven.

All of this is confidence that the lost don't have. I need to be sharing this with those around me. The lack of security is glaringly obvious around this world by people's frantic twisting and toiling for living a life of purpose.

Prayer: Father, please give me the boldness to witness of You, Your incredible love, and Your saving plan to those I meet. Help me to also display the confidence that should come from being sealed and secure as Your child. I love you. Amen.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

What's the Response?

Scripture: Ephesians 1:13 "In Him you also trusted, after you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; in whom also, having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise,"

Observation: The salvation of any man comes only after hearing the gospel. What does that consist of? The fact that the Bible clearly states that we need a "salvation" means the gospel is something that saves from consequences, rescues from harm, returns things once lost, and/or liberates.

The gospel is founded on repentance (Luke 13:3; Acts 1:8; Acts 26:20) and the need for salvation (2 Timothy 2:3,4).

Then, one must "believe". This is a term completely overused and it really means very little to people, especially people still condemned before God. I believe I'm going to make Senior Master Sergeant. My daughter believes dragons are real (she's probably right). And millions of Americans believe they are saved Christians. The question is, is belief substantiated by a verbal confirmation that a woman or man thinks something to be true? Or must there be a confirmation in the form of an outward response to such belief? How cheap and useless is a belief that produces no, or an undesired, change! Unlike the other beliefs above, in this case a person espousing "belief" in Jesus Christ, in their belief, thinks themselves in a right and appropriate relationship with God. That's a pretty grand claim. Does the visable evidences of my belief really support such an affirmation? I like John Piper's alternative question,"Have you made Jesus Christ your treasure?"

This verse, along with verse 14 is a strong evidence for assurance of salvation.

Application: I can apply this verse by holding fast to the confidence promised here. Remember the word I heard; remember the Spirit's sealing; remember my response and continue the response.

Prayer: Thank you for unmerited and unsought salvation - I was in desperate need of it. Thank you that my eternal destiny and the security of it is not dependant on my efforts, but on yours.

Friday, July 8, 2011

The Intent

Scripture: Ephesians 1:12 "that we who first rusted in Christ should be to the praise of His glory."

Observation: In the first chapter Paul references God's glory in vs. 3, 12, 14, 17, and 18, though vs. 18 is using the word glory in reference to our inheritance. This verse is an extension of verse 11; essentially it is the effect of the cause in vs. 11. The cause is either that we have "received an inheritance" through Jesus or that God willed our eventual redemption and so we, by our unearned salvation, bring glory to God's holy and awesome attributes.

Application: My purpose is to bring glory to God. Am I doing so? Is my light, which shines on God's glory, being covered or dimmed? Where am I glorifying God? Is there an area that is preventing the other opportunities to glorify God from happening?

Prayer: God, I know my faults - at least, the ones that you've so far shown me. I continue to bring to you my need of joy and a practical, real understanding of my new nature, my actual citizenship, my inheritance, and Your desires for my daily walk. Please teach me and give me your wisdom and Your grace. I love you. Amen.

Here's a link to an incredible sermon by John Piper on this idea.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

His Plan, His Purpose, His Will, His Glory

Scripture: Ephesians 1:11 "In Him also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will,"

Observation: We have a promised or already received inheritance.

Again, God's will cannot be thwarted. It will be accomplished.

God counsels Himself. Interesting. I'm not sure that I'm smart enough to understand how that works.

"All things" may be all things concerning the gospel and salvation or it could mean all things, referring to complete sovereignty. I think it likely here means the latter.

Application: There is both a promised and received inheritance. I ought to live in the reality of both at the same time. That will keep me from loving this world (1 John 2:16). My life should be defined by peace which is derived from the absolute security that I have in Christ.

Finally, as James implores, should seek God for wisdom in all things. I need wisdom and that is a fact. God is the source and giver of all knowledge and wisdom. Seek Him for it. (Proverbs 3:5-6)

Prayer: Thank You for all that You've given me. You are truly a good God! Help me to keep my mind on the heavenly home and the spiritual mission. I pray that You will teach me faith that I would have peace and that my hope will be in You always. And I do pray for wisdom. You know there are so many tasks, so many things that I'm not prepared for. Please help met o seek you for wisdom in each and every challenge I face.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

I'm the Boss

Scripture: Ephesians 1:10 "that in the dispensation of the fullness of the times He might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven and which are on earth - in Him."

Observation: God has perfect timing. He accomplishes His will. His desire is to draw all things back to Him, through Christ.

Application: I have to be patient for His timing. With a long perspective of time we have a future of redemption and the return of Christ; for this I should be waiting in patient trust. In my everyday life I ought to look to God for His timing for all things physical and spiritual. It's my practical work of faith.

Prayer: Lord, the very fact that I call you 'Lord' is a reminder of who should be waiting on who. I need Your grace to have the faith to wait for Your will and Your timing. Please help me to leave the work to You with those around me. In my desire to do well as leader of my family I try so hard to control the development of my family, but that's not my place - it's Yours. Please forgive me and please help me to love them and to let You be God and Lord.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

A Pleasant Experience

Scripture: Ephesians 1:9 "having made known to us the mystery of His will, according to His good pleasure which He purposed in Himself,"

Observation: God revealed Himself to us, "made known." According to 3:5 God chose the specific time to do it. God had no counselors or influence. God had no inner need to create us or save us. All of this has been accomplished because He wanted to do it. The gospel, the cross, the redemption, the truth of our need - all known because God made it known.

Before He made it known, God made the decision to reveal it.

The decision was accompanied by His good pleasure. I don't believe the world can comprehend the absolute and thorough purity of the pleasure of God. If His face shines on it with blessing, that is a power that cannot be extinguished nor even diminished in the slightest way by any means of darkness.

Application: More grace shown. This means more praise and thankfulness on my part toward God. I am not often thankful enough nor do I often live as one that has had the love, grace and mercy of God showered on me.

I am completely floored that God would reveal such amazing love and works to me. I am so unworthy of His favor and yet He showers it on me. The world stands in an awkward place before God. We're so deserving of evil consequences for our evil hearts, thoughts and actions and yet we're given the exact opposite. The Lord could have never redeemed me and I would have no blame to give Him nor fault to find. He would have been just in leaving me to the consequences of my actions - eternal punishmet. Everyone knows this in their heart and conscience.

Prayer: Father, please help me to identify myself in You! The fact is that I am not a citizen of this world and I am no longer condemned. I'm saved, free, forgiven, chosen, safe, healed, adopted and redeemed. Make me a thankful person as Your word says we all should be - at all times. I lack gratitude to You and those around me loose the blessings and encouragement that I should be showing because of it. God, let it be You that is seen in me. I know that it will take learning, trying; so I just ask for Your presence.


Scripture: Ephesians 1:8 "which He made to abound toward us in all wisdom and prudence,"

Observation: God purposed to accomplish the work of the cross. The extending of His grace toward us is "abounding". It is abundantly given.

The grace of the gospel is as best a plan as God could have come up with. God doesn't work off plan B for the salvation of the world. The way it was completed was the way it had to be done.

If God intended to do the things described in the first verses of Ephesians, then the cross was the best way to make it all come to pass.

Application: These truths simply and firmly call me to praise God for what He has done. It is amazing that He would do it considering the cost and my undeserving-ness. Making an application from this is difficult because God has already made all the application.

Prayer: I need your grace. You have shown it to me in so many ways so I know that I don't have to ask for it. I need to ask for the ability to live in the truth of it. I know your love for me. I can see your passionate pursuit of me. Please help me to apply my faith. Please give me greater sensitivity to the Spirit. Try me; I need to be purified. But please help me to learn from the reflection of myself that I see in my children. I want the sins that I see in them to drive me to mercy, compassion, love and forgiveness toward them. I work off default so often, just criticizing and judging. Please forgive that and help me to submit to Jesus living in me.