Saturday, March 26, 2011

"Yeah, I Schpreckin"

I'm sure by now most people know what the Rosseta Stone software is.  The kids started about three months ago using it to learn some Espanol.  It's great seeing them whip out a little culture when we're talking about canyons and quesadillas, and about how our gato es muy gordo y flaco.  I haven't yet started on it yet myself, but I did take one semester of Spanish in high school.  Mi llamo Miguel (at least, that's what I went with for that semester - don't tell my parents that I wished they named me Mike).

So going back to my high school days brought up other memories and other Mike's.  I'll be ever thankful to the one that introduced me to this other Spanish Mike.  Whoever you are, thank you.

I guess since the AF is providing the software for me to expand my skillset (is that a new buzz word?)  I should probably spend some time on it.  Maybe they'll let me say "clear to land" in other languages than English then.


  1. bahahahaha! Thank you for sharing that video! That is totally the extent of my Spanish vocabulary. My favorite part was "Cinnamon Twists"..oh Taco Bell, how I miss thee.

  2. Me too! Even though I just had it today. :D
