I've been keeping my political opinions to myself lately (except around my bride). I think constant complaints about certain heads of state being morons (Biblical term is "fool") annoy others. I try not to annoy others.
A good friend just put
this post up. Thank you
FPF for the laugh. No one pours sarcasm on a plate of tom-foolery like you!
FPF's thoughts provoked me to share some of my own on recent research. I disagree a little, though. We'll probably end up with some Chinese vehicle crammed down our throat since we owe them $700,000,000,000. I have to count the zeros, too. It's a big number.
I read somewhere that if one owes money to another, the borrower becomes servant of the lender. Take a second to consider that word - servant. In a country that is familiar with slavery, picturing
servitude isn't difficult.
Well, congratulations We The People! We are now servants to a
communist country that we've been openly opposing for almost eight decades.
1. Masters don't usually put up with
2. Masters usually have major influence on what servants do and where servants go.
3. Servants are in no position to call the shots.
4. Servants receive mercy when the Master feels like it.
5. Some Masters show no mercy (see history for indications about our current Masters).
The future should be interesting.