Wednesday, July 16, 2014


Another great post from Steve Maxwell. Pause for thought...

In1869 Swiss physician Friedrich Miescher discovered DNA. DNA is God’s unique “blueprint” for each of us. It determines what we will look like – what color eyes and hair we have, our height, our skin tone. Did you know that we have a “character and spiritual DNA,” too? You can get a pretty good picture of a person’s character and spiritual “DNA” simply by studying his choices. Those who are near us and can observe our decisions get a good idea of our true character and spiritual makeup.
A few examples:
  • Choosing to spend time with the Lord every day in His Word because we delight in Jesus
  • Choosing to lead family Bible time every day because we want to give the family a love for God’s Word
  • Choosing to invest time in things that have eternal value because our time on earth is short
  • Choosing to team up with our wives to put the children to bed because she works hard all day
  • Choosing to get her something she needs to show her our love
  • Choosing to make the bed sometimes because she is usually the one to do it
  • Choosing to actively disciple our children because we have the spiritual responsibility for them
  • Choosing to cater to our own wants and needs because we love ourselves more than we love our wives, our children, or others.
“Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone. Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works” (James 2:17-18).

Steve Maxwell
Titus2 ministries

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