Saturday, December 7, 2013

What Has He Called Into Your Life?

Scripture: Romans 4:17b "God, who gives life to the dead and calls those things which do not exist as though they did;"

Observation: This part of the verse seems like a completely random interjection, but I doubt Paul was being random (nor the Holy Spirit who inspired it :-).

So what's the connection? God gave life to Abraham's and Sarah's "dead" body (as we read in verse 19-22). He also gave eternal life to those who had previously not had it.

God also called Abraham "righteous" which he obviously was not. This is an example of God "calling things that don't exist as though they do." These two acts are the two most important acts for me. He brings me back from my deadness in sin (Ephesians 2:1-10) and calls me righteous so that I may inherit eternal life (Romans 3:21-28).

1. Believe in Jesus Christ by faith for the permanent and complete forgiveness of my past, present and future sins and surrender my life and future to God. Check!

2. Truly, it is only God that can bring life to the dead things in my life as well as call other things that aren't present (or that may be waining at times) in my life into existence: hope, a truly blessed future, security, meaning and purpose, healed relationships, and success in things that really matter.

Prayer: There are so many disappointments in my life, and plenty of failures and regrets. Yet I know that You are able, more than able to bring hope, restore success that matters, and revitalize purpose and then direct me in all things. You know my heart and the things I long for. You know my dreams like no one else. But I also know that You say, "Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added to you." So, as always, help me to place You at the top of all other desires, love You with all my being and to be satisfied with that.  Then I'll wait in faith for Your plans to come to pass. I love You. Amen.

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