Tuesday, December 4, 2012

SOAP: Defining Goodness

Scripture: Romans 10:3 "For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and seeking to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted to the righteousness of God."

Observation: The context of the verse is that Israel missed the gospel and Messiah because they clung to the law. In a broader sense Israel's decision to do so is the same decision that every person makes because we share the same motivation. We establish, for the sake of our own ego, in a manner that is possible and attainable for us, having no greater goal than that which we are able to conjure from the limited and flawed storehouse of our mind, a measuring stick that we may use to proclaim that we are "good people". We may fool people in this way, but God isn't impressed - He's offended.

Application: If I want to know how to make a specialty bread I ought to go ask a baker. To actually understand and apply the definition of moral goodness, I had better ask God.

Prayer: Father, may You be right and I be found in desperate need of Your mercy, grace and love which draws me to the truth. You are God and I will praise You as God and nothing less. I will not make for myself "a carved image". I love you. Amen.

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