I went through most of the July health care bill. The most interesting thing to me was how our government intends to irresponsibly pay for the new health care system.
In all, the bill will set up at least 8 trust funds to pay for the program totaling $2,352,000,000. However, I don't think that amount is the irresponsible part. There are successful companies in the world that have outgoing numbers in that range (of course, they have more than that coming in, too). The thing that says, "What kind of 9 year old mentality is spending our tax dollars?!!!" is this phrase which follows the establishment of each trust fund: "There are hereby appropriated out of any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated..."
Anyone try that with your budget?
"Honey, want to buy a new car?" "Oh, yeah! Will it fit into our budget?" "Oh, I'll bet so. We'll just take whatever we have left over at the end of the payday and put that toward the car payment."
I think wisdom here says that if we have to do unwise things to accomplish something, it's probably not a wise goal to reach for. Basically, these are the things debt is made of - I've already given my thoughts on that here.
Thanks for sharing. There are a lot of heated, but rather uneducated, opinions floating around that seem to be based purely on whether you voted Republican, Democratic or not and being more fully informed definitely helps one make the best decision no matter party lines as our country's economics and well-being shouldn't be considered a one way or the other issue! :)