Here's President
Obama's most recent pious comments, this time concerning his justification for allowing (actually, directing) broader stem-cell research.
... Obama reiterated a promise to base "public policies on the soundest science" as well as to "appoint scientific advisers based on their credentials and experience, not their politics or ideology."
Two things.
First, this "soundest science" is the same science that has determined we need to drive full boar into developing Green technology, which is based on Global Warming, which is hardly proved by the "soundest science." As I look around, I see God's world as more than green.
Second, this is another example of our President pushing immoral acts with an intelligent-sounding, noble facade. Scientific advisers will be appointed based on what we as Americans say are good credentials (which were also used to find the result of the first point), and NOT by whether or not the things they do are wrong.
So the means justifies the ends. Especially if it helps the federal government gain more power.
I feel confident in saying I'll never ask someone to create a baby, kill four days later, and conduct scientific experiments on it so that I can be cured of disease or sickness I have.
Here's the link I'm
referring to: