Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Not So Wimpy

Day two in Minnesota. It is was about twenty degrees today, but my body still thought running was a good idea. I gave it a shot and it felt very good (I couldn't feel my fingers, so I don't know if they agreed or not). Thank you, Candi, for instilling strong running desires in me.

I'll get some pictures up, when I can, of the family.

There's no snow here yet.


  1. uh,

    20 degrees seems a little cold.

    Hey, I didn't even know you went till just today.

  2. I must not have been keeping up with your blog.

  3. Thank you for your condolences.

    I've been telling people for a while that it DOES get cold in Tucson. I now retract that statement and ask for forgiveness.

  4. Sssshhiverrrrrr me timbers!

  5. Gosh, Bucky-should have brought back those furry mittens I gave Candi last year that went to her elbows and were plush lined...your fingers could have been doing a happy dance. Your nose- I am not so sure. 3 above here this morning...

  6. Mom - did you get my call? I'm hopin' we could meet or something today.
