Monday, March 10, 2008

Illegal to homeschool!

I was emailed an article recently by Jonathan Falwell that had the shocking title "Will Home Schooling Become Illegal?" Obviously, this got my attention. Candi and I spent plenty of time praying and talking about whether we wanted to home school and if it was best for our kids. I've never considered that it might not be legal for any reason.

I was initially a little unnerved at the thought of it, really. I love it. Our family is so much happier homeschooling (in a plethora of ways). So I got online and researched what was actually being said. This link is by Ann Zeise of the HomeSchool Association of California which explains why we have little to be alarmed about in California (that's where the article was about).

I poked my head around a little more and found some sad articles covering Germany's home schooling situation. Evidently, it is 100% illegal there. The government controls what is taught and how it is taught. This article talks about how parents are having to flee the country if they want to home school to prevent losing their children to the state. And this one discusses how UN rulings which oppose home schooling could become a factor in the US.

It's scary to think we could be in that situation (especially with Hillary Clinton's plans for schooling). I won't say that home schooling is for everyone. I will say that there are pros to it that far, far outweigh the cons; the benefits of it have definitely outweighed the cost of it (and the cost of not doing it).

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