Here's a few lines from "we would see Jesus" by Roy and Revel Hession, one of my favorites and a book that God influenced my life with.
"...on the Cross of Christ. There in [Jesus] we see the whole naked truth about sin, man, and the God with whom each of us has to do. The very scene that reveals the richest and sweetest grace of God towards man also reveals the starkest truth as to what man is. If grace flows from Calvary, so does truth, for both "grace and truth came by Jesus Christ" (John 1:17).
Let us try to illustrate these things at this point. It is by seeing the concern of the doctor, and the extreme measures prescribed, that the patient learns for the first time the gravity of the trouble from which he is suffering. It is by the reading of the severe sentence imposed on another man that the undiscovered lawbreaker, who has been doing the same things himself but thinking lightly of them, discovers how seriously the law regards his offences.
So, in like manner, Jesus says from the cross, "See here your own condition by the shame I had to undergo for you."
Food for thought.