Last Sunday night I went to
Hellboy 2 with my father-in-law. It was a pretty good movie. I enjoyed the first one and this one pretty much lived up to my expectations. Good fight scenes. An unlikely hero who wants to be accepted by the human world but struggles with his "horns" and "red skin."
One constant theme in the movie was that "the right thing to do" isn't "the cool thing to do."
Hellboy or Red, as he is nicknamed, is a loose-cannon that gets the job done, but allows the public to see him too often. Red is just one in a government funded team of paranormal
Jeffrey Tambor plays the impotent leader of the team, who is unable to control Red. Consequently, the writers introduced another character intended to keep Red in line, who eventually
succumbs to doing the "necessary" way rather than the right way.
I think part of Satan's scheme is to lead us into the same rebellion he chose - I'll do it my way. That seems to be a cry in our society. In the kids movie, The Emperor's New Grove, one of the characters,
Kronk, is struggling with making the correct choice. Immediately his good and bad angels appear on his shoulders. The bad angel states his case as to why
Kronk should listen to him - "He [good angel] wants to lead you down the path of righteousness. I'm going to lead you down the path that rocks!" Note the implied comparison.
While the world raises its voice to convince us of its philosophy, we have to remember the TRUTH. Can God's ways be trusted regardless of circumstances? Is God a liar? Or are His ways
always right? God says His ways are high above our ways (Is 55).
Psalm 119:5-10 urges us to trust God's smarts! It says "How can a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed according to [God's] word."
I think the only question left to ask is "Are we willing to follow Him long enough for God to be proven right?" I for one need to remember that Proverbs 14:12 and 16:25 says that there is a way that
seems right to a man, but in reality its
end is the way of death. I have often started my wrong choice thinking I was completely right and that taking the path of integrity would have been bad, but give life a little time and...